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About the LEPC

Origin of LEPCs

In 1986, after two catastrophic events, Congress passed the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Public Law 99-499, also known as EPCRA or SARA Title III, in order for communities to be informed of and make plans for managing hazardous substances in their communities.

Section 301(a) of the legislation required governors in every state to appoint a State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) by April of 1987. The SERCs were then responsible for establishing planning districts and appointing local emergency planning committees (LEPCs).

McPherson County's LEPC

McPherson County was designated a planning district and the LEPC was formed on _.


The McPherson County LEPC is not a governmental agency, rather it is a cooperative effort among multiple parties and spearheaded by private companies. The LEPC meets regularly on the second Tuesday of the first month of each quarter.

In addition to the McPherson County Emergency Management Agency, the following organizations are required by law to have representatives present and active with the LEPC:

  • Elected state and local officials

  • Fire, police, civil defense, and public health professionals

  • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials

  • Commercial and industrial facility representatives

  • Representatives from community groups and the media

McPherson County LEPC Mission

The McPherson County LEPC Mission is to:

  1. Promote an "All Hazards" approach to public health and safety;

  2. Support preparedness of members of the public, government agencies, and industry; and

  3. Provide local subject matter expertise to emergency planning and response agencies by serving as a venue for communication and consultation among a diversity of stakeholders.

McPherson County LEPC Responsibilities

The McPherson LEPC is responsible to:

  1. Create emergency response plans to mitigate damage from chemical accidents;

  2. Establish response procedures for alerting and evacuating the public in case of an emergency;

  3. Provide citizens and local governments with information about hazardous chemicals and accidental releases of chemicals; and

  4. Assist in the preparation of public reports on annual release of toxic chemicals into the air, water, and soil.

The EPCRA does not place limits on which chemicals can be stored, used, released, disposed, or transferred in communities. It only requires a facility to document, notify, and report such information to necessary organizations.

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